Monday, October 26, 2009

Overcoming Obstacles

(Excerpt from The Path to Freedom, by Suzann Rye)

Your beliefs will either support you or block your way. Unlimited thinking opens doors, draws opportunities to you, expands your possibilities, and dramatically increases your quality of life. It gives you power, confidence, and courage and allows you to be who you really are, get what you deserve, and live the life you want. Restricted thinking does the opposite.
“But I can’t just think or believe my way around obstacles!”
There’s a difference between real, actual, immediate obstacles—and perceived, “imaginary” obstacles.

Real obstacles, or “solid” obstacles as I call them, are things that are physically impossible to immediately overcome or move out of our way or change—they cannot be immediately dissolved. We need to create a way around these obstacles so that we can continue on our way forward. We might have to take a detour to get to our next destination, but we are going to get there, nevertheless.

Imaginary obstacles are ones that we perceive as being real but in fact they are not. They are barriers that we set up for ourselves. Their main job is to provide us with suitable excuses not to act upon our dreams and goals. Often, when we are faced with an imaginary obstacle, what seems to be the immediate problem is in fact not the real issue at all. It is merely a response—an effect of something else, some underlying event or issue hidden from our direct view. It may just take a change of thought or perception to dissolve these obstacles, to open up and create a way forward. Imaginary obstacles are restrictions in our own beliefs and thought patterns that are blocking our way forward. They are not real. They are not fixed. They are imaginary obstacles that can be re-imagined.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between the two kinds of obstacles. Does it matter? Well, not really. Effectively, if we choose to see all obstacles as imaginary—the solid ones merely causing a slight delay in realization—then we are well on our way.
Typical imaginary obstacles stem from any of the following: lack of self esteem, stuck internal rules (probably stemming from upbringing), habitual old patterns, inability to take action (procrastination, essentially caused by fear), confusion (inability to define goals and lack of focus and strategy), fear of being judged, fear of failure, fear of risk-taking, fear of responsibility, fear of losing an (often false) sense of control, fear of making the wrong choices and missing out, which in turn leads to, well, missing out, etc.

You’ve noticed that again fear is a big factor. We can once again conclude or confirm that fear is the biggest obstacle of all.
And guess what? Fear is a feeling. It is not a solid object, so it cannot be a solid obstacle. What that means is that if we can overcome the feeling, we can overcome the obstacle. I want you to consider this and keep it in mind. It is very important.

The most common excuses for being unable to move forward are lack of money, lack of resources, and lack of competence. All of these can be overcome.
Another excuse is other people. We sometimes feel that other people stand in our way of moving forward. Well, while we cannot control other people, we can certainly choose whom we surround ourselves with. It is also up to us to decide how much power we choose to give to those people—how much influence they should be allowed to have over our lives. Power needs feeding; if it is not fed, it starves and eventually shrivels away. We tend to forget that although we naturally make choices based on or involving the people around us, essentially we are all free individuals and can do what we want. And mostly we will—sooner or later.

If you really want something, it is very hard to suppress it for too long. And why should you? If you are happy and fulfilled, it reflects on everyone around you. If you’re not, that reflects as well.
Reconsider the terms “being realistic” and “being sensible.” If we choose to believe that restrictions and limitations are necessary and “all part of growing up,” then that is probably how it will be. But is it really that sensible? Is it sensible to blindly accept that placing barriers in front of us is the only way forward? I think not.
If you think about it, there is always something you can do to change things. Usually it turns out that you have more options than you imagined. All situations, no matter how tough or complicated, can be changed. Some just call for more determination and diligence than others.

When faced with a stubborn obstacle like that, we have to decide whether or not we have the urge, the motivation, the passion, and the energy to overcome it. Is the end result really that important for us? Are we willing to pay the price? What if we are facing an obstacle that implies a very serious challenge that cannot immediately be overcome, at least not till something else has been overcome first? Or what if we find ourselves in circumstances that, for the time being, seem to make it physically impossible to move toward a certain goal? This could involve a physical or mental handicap, a severe disease, or other difficult conditions like extreme poverty—circumstances that, for most of us, tend to make our own problems fade in comparison.

Well, of course, every situation is different and each person has to decide what is true for them. But we have all heard miraculous stories of little people taking giant steps against all odds—people faced with the most unforgiving circumstances. Most people naturally react to stories like this by saying, “I could never have done that!”
Are you absolutely sure? Do you think the other person planned it like that? Maybe at some point they couldn’t imagine it either—but eventually they came through. It was possible, I would say, because they persevered and they believed and because something within them told them that they simply had to. This “something” added power to their faith and their ability to trust that if they really and truly committed themselves to the cause—if they did everything they possibly could on their part—the Universe would provide the rest.

Someone once said, “A problem is only ever as big or as small as you choose to see it.”
I believe that’s true.

Try to answer the questions below. Be blunt. Notice how it makes you feel—it is very important. It could hold the key to your progress.
Do you feel happy, inspired, motivated, and encouraged, or do you feel uneasy and resistant, like giving up in advance?
Do you feel that these goals can easily be achieved, or do you suspect that achieving these goals is somehow impossible?
Do you perhaps immediately start giving yourself reasons why these goals are “far-fetched”?

What do you perceive as the obstacles standing between you and your goals?
These answers will provide you with a lot of valuable information about what your current beliefs are and where you need to create change in order to move forward. Write your answers down.

When you’re done answering, ask yourself why you want these things.
What will they do for you? What will they give you?

• Think very carefully about your goals and dreams. What is it that you would like to achieve? (Write down your goals as they come naturally to you.
• Divide your goals into two boxes—one for immediate goals, the other for long-term goals.
• Now, structure your goals. Define them so they become clear. Make them look and feel clear and simple. Structure and clarity will make the process much more comprehensible and help you focus better. Rewrite if necessary.
• Focus on them. If you find focusing hard, perhaps your goals are not clear enough yet. If so, define them again, but do not change the essence of the goals or dreams; do not make the overall goals smaller.
• Consider: maybe you need to divide your goals into smaller parts.
• Finally, give your goals deadlines. Think about what would be realistic timeframes for reaching each goal.
• And then commit to pursuing your goals and keeping the deadlines.
• Make a plan of action by writing down all the possible avenues that you can think of that would lead you to your goal(s).

Then ask yourself: “What can I do today?” Is there a logical timeline to the action steps that you have identified?

Finally, believe that you can succeed, intend to succeed—and you are going to succeed!
Believe it, intend it, create it.

The more clear, direct and focused you are in “asking” for what you want, the clearer the signal that you’re sending out. If you focus on something—if you give it enough attention for long enough—you energize it more and more, and eventually it will manifest. Whatever you focus on is what you get, for energy follows thought. When you hold a steady focus on something and your intent to achieve it or to have it is clear and strong, then you are going to create it. You are going to attract the people, situations, and opportunities you need.
Be alert and ready to take advantage of these opportunities when they appear.

Acknowledge that it is solely your responsibility to reach your goals—no one else is going to reach them for you. By taking full responsibility and accepting that you do have the freedom to choose and the power to create any reality that you want, you have already taken the important first step toward expansion and greater success. In other words, you have engaged yourself into a conscious process of creating your reality and manifesting your dreams and goals.

To your Joy and Success!

Chapter taken from The Path to Freedom, by Suzann Rye, eBook available here:

Suzann Rye
Empowering Voice and Spirit
#1 Bestselling Author of Your Voice Is Your Calling Card; How to Power-Charge Your Voice, Boost Your Confidence, and Speak with Joy, Ease, and Conviction, Available here:

Suzann Rye LIVE Online "Your Voice is Your Calling Card" Breakthrough Coaching
Enroll now

The Suzann Rye - Your Voice Is Your Calling Card - Radio Show,
Tuesdays 13:00 - 14:00 PM Eastern US (19:00 CET) on Real Coaching Radio Network:

There can be no powerful Voice without a powerful Spirit and no Spirit will truly thrive without allowing the Voice to speak its truth.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Great Showmanship

As a speaker/presenter, you are a communicator. Your job is to successfully communicate a message in an interesting, engaging, and entertaining enough way for people to stay focused during the entire presentation. That’s no easy task. The average attention span of human beings is said to be no more than ten minutes. Then the brain simply needs to switch channels at least for a few seconds—enough to lose track of what’s being communicated.

Strong communicators are excellent performers, astute observers, and proficient energy translators. They read their audience, pick up hints, and move and sway with the mood. They dance gracefully, every step carefully planned but effortlessly executed, like pure play, holding the audience captive and eagerly awaiting their next move. Their words, flowing naturally and with poised ease, are just right—no more, no less—the perfect recipe, every sentence not too sweet, not too bitter.

The above describes what I would classify as great showmanship. Obviously it takes time, effort, and experience to arrive at this stage and become an accomplished speaker like this. And it takes courage. It requires you to
completely let go of any restrictions and to trust blindly in your own skill and divine inspiration. It is much like playing music, improvising. There is a difference between playing an instrument and playing music. One is craft; the other is art. When the two come together, you have magic.

Speakers use their voice, their body and their energy to convey messages, express opinions, etc. The more convincingly they do this, the better the show—the more successful and the greater the reception.
Any grand performance needs to have life and excitement and passion. The audience should walk away from it with some sort of bonus, something new that they’ve learned, something to think about, an emotional reaction, something that makes their life just a little bit different than before. Watching the performance needs to be worth their while because if it’s not, they will never come back.

What is it in other speakers that inspires you?
What makes you eagerly anticipate a particular speaker’s next appearance?
Any chance you get, watch other performers work; pay attention to what they are doing and why. Merely observing others can teach you so much.

So how do we get there? How do we learn to create the kind of magic that will spellbind our audience and make them cling to our every word?

Speak from the heart—speak with sincerity, display empathy and compassion, and show a genuine interest in our audience. We need to connect with them and relate to them on a heart level. People like to feel important and appreciated, and they like to feel loved. Show them that you are genuinely happy to address them, that you believe in what you are saying, and that you believe what you have to say is of real value to them.

Consider your audience your friends. Bond with them, offer a warm smile, and use eye contact and inviting gestures. Show emotion, if appropriate, and add soul and character to the performance, drawing on your own experiences. Use personal stories to create rapport and give them a real glimpse of you, the person. Relate to the audience and they will relate to you.

Touching people’s hearts in some way will always make them listen to you more intensely and connect with you. Remember, people are people, no matter what kind of high-profile jobs they have. So meet them on a person to-person level, even if your presentation is of a serious nature. A friendly, pleasant, and relaxed (but not sloppy) approach will come across as confident, competent, and in control. Your audience will trust you and pay attention to your message. If you are relaxed, calm, and comfortable, you will project it and inspire the same feelings in your audience. But the opposite is also true: if you are anxious and uneasy, your audience
will react to it and become anxious and uneasy too. The audience will mirror you. That’s why it is so important to take the time and make the effort to learn how to control anxiety, extreme nervousness, and so on. It is not only unpleasant to feel anxious; it also impairs the quality of your performance and certainly affects the audience’s perception of you.

Exercise: Be Inspired—Create Magic
• What is it in other speakers that inspire you?
• What makes you eagerly anticipate a particular speaker’s next appearance?
• What is great showmanship to you?
• Have you ever felt yourself being completely in the flow of a great performance, almost watching from the outside as the magic of skills combined with divine inspiration unfolded, effortlessly and beautifully—moving and swaying with the mood—like pure play?
If you have, hold on to that feeling and nurture it every day as you practice. Remind yourself of it and imagine that it is already a natural part of your performance—every time. If you have not yet experienced this state of being, don’t worry—you soon will.

Excerpts from Your Voice Is Your Calling Card; How to Power-Charge Your Voice, Boost Your Confidence, and Speak with Joy, Ease, and Conviction by Suzann Rye.

Get it here:

To your Joy and Success!
Love, Suzann

Suzann Rye LIVE Online "Your Voice is Your Calling Card" Breakthrough Coaching Experience. Enroll now

The Suzann Rye - Your Voice Is Your Calling Card - Radio Show,
Tuesdays 13:00 - 14:00 PM Eastern US (19:00 CET) on Real Coaching Radio Network:

There can be no powerful Voice without a powerful Spirit and no Spirit will truly thrive without allowing the Voice to speak its truth.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

For the Greater Good

I love helping people find their own voices. To me that mean recognizing their life purpose and doing and communicating whatever they are passionate about!

Because people who follow their bliss and live out their life purpose are not selfish, or self-centered people, as perhaps some would have you believe. On the contrary, by being true and respectful towards their own needs and desires, they build the energy to share freely and generously of their joy and gratitude with other people too. They believe in passing it on so that we can all share in the collective, unlimited Good that is abundant – if we dare seek it.

Living our life purpose keeps us aligned with our Higher Selves. When we allow ourselves to bask in the magnificent glory of who we truly are; we feel happy. Our entire Being resonates with joy and our Spirit sings.

We all go through rough patches in our lives. We all face challenges – sometimes so many or so tough that we feel beaten down. Sometimes giving up on our dreams and desires seems like the easiest choice. But it’s not - neither for us nor the people around us.

People who have given up and left their Souls to suffer in silence have little left to offer themselves let alone others - and their contribution to the overall Good wanes. This is the beginning of all ends. This is how wars are started; people feeling powerless and in despair.

If you think that your dreams and passions are not worthy or important enough to pursue - do it anyway. If not for you, do it for your kids, your friends and loved ones, your colleagues and neighbors. Do it for the Greater Good.
Because when you do, you are making a valuable contribution to the world and everyone around you. You are spreading the love, the joy and the bliss around, and we all get a piece.

Sing your song…


Suzann Rye
Empowering Voice and Spirit
Holistic Voice Performance Communications & Life Coach
#1 Bestselling Author of Your Voice Is Your Calling Card; How to Power-Charge Your Voice, Boost Your Confidence, and Speak with Joy, Ease, and Conviction

Suzann Rye LIVE Online "Your Voice is Your Calling Card" Breakthrough Coaching Experience. Enroll now

The Suzann Rye - Your Voice Is Your Calling Card - Radio Show,
Tuesdays 13:00 - 14:00 PM Eastern US (19:00 CET) on Real Coaching Radio Network:


There can be no powerful Voice without a powerful Spirit and no Spirit will truly thrive without allowing the Voice to speak its truth.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Reveal Your Brilliance - Quick Tips To Create Real Impact!

Have you ever made a presentation and had the horrible feeling of being ignored or disrespected?

Nonverbal or non-linguistic communication includes gestures, postures, facial expressions, and even the verbal inflections of the words that we use. The term verbal inflection refers to the musical qualities of the voice, such as the melody, tone, pitch, rhythm, volume, and pausing—basically the dynamics that we use when we speak.

Along with energetic transmission (emotional state of mind reflecting and often conflicting the verbal communication), non-linguistic communication can change the entire meaning of a given message. It supports, emphasizes, or contradicts what is being said. Multiple studies support this; some claim that over 80 percent of all communication is nonverbal or non-linguistic.

This means that you can be the most highly educated, super experienced expert in the world; if you don’t know how to communicate your knowledge, no one will take any notice. This is a great shame. It is also totally unnecessary as communication skills can be improved easily.

We all have to get up there sometimes in front of people and “perform”. When you teach coach or speak, you perform. When you pitch a project, present information, an opinion, an idea, a vision, or a creation to somebody, or attend a job interview, even go on a first date—essentially you perform. And you always have an objective. Whether you are looking to feed an emotional need (respect, recognition, love, etc.) or an outside results-oriented need (clinching a deal, pitching an idea or a project, etc.), you are looking for a result. Perhaps you want to create change or to educate, motivate, help or inspire people in some way. Perhaps you want them to take some sort of action. Whatever it is, you have something to “sell”.

Don’t hide your brilliance under a bushel. Begin nurturing your performer gene. Think about how you would like to see yourself in the ultimate role—YOU as the very best that you can be. If you suffer from performance anxiety and nervousness, simply take a first small step today to improve your skills and conquer your fears. You’ll be glad you did.

We all have some specialist knowledge or important messages to share. When we allow ourselves the freedom to do just that, we feel wonderful, excited and proud—we feel purpose and joy. And when WE feel it, other people do too, and they are drawn to us and compelled to listen with their ears AND hearts. Let your Soul shine its natural light onto the world. Fuel you message with passion and genuine conviction, and others will be convinced too.

People want to be inspired by someone they can connect with. Great communicators spend time and energy establishing rapport. They interact with the audience, pick up signals, and respond to them. They make the audience feel part of what they do. They come from a space of SHARING instead of SHOWING. They know that it is not about them, proving how good, perfect and knowledgeable they are—it’s about the audience and how THEY feel during and following the presentation.

Quick Tips To Create Real Impact…

• Practice being totally present whenever you speak.
• Practice total resonance and alignment between you and your message: say what you mean—mean what you say.
• View your audience as friends and speak to them accordingly—and they will regard you as their friend too.
• Show genuine interest in your audience—and your audience will show genuine interest in you.
• Share instead of show…
• Fuel your message with passion and real emotion—and you will move and inspire people beyond your words.
• Be authentic – don’t be afraid of being you.
• Celebrate what you are instead of regretting what you’re not.

Have a great week!

Suzann Rye.
Empowering Voice and Spirit
#1 Bestselling Author of Your Voice Is Your Calling Card; How to Power-Charge Your Voice, Boost Your Confidence, and Speak with Joy, Ease, and Conviction

Suzann Rye LIVE Online "Your Voice Is Your Calling Card" Breakthrough Coaching: Enroll now.

The Suzann Rye - Your Voice Is Your Calling Card - Radio Show,
Tuesdays 13:00-14:00 PM Eastern US (19:00 CET) on Real Coaching Radio Network:

General info: http:/